Frequently Asked Questions
I’m not very flexible. Can I still do yoga?
Yes, you can! You will gradually become more flexible with practice.
I’m too flexible. Can I still do yoga?
Yes! Yoga will help to stabilise your joints and ligaments and strengthen your muscles.
What should I wear?
Wear clothes in which you can move and breathe easily. T-shirts, shorts and footless tights are suitable. If possible wear clothes that reveal your ankle and knee joints so we can see your joint alignment.
Do I need to bring any equipment?
We provide all equipment but feel free to bring your own yoga mat.
How frequently should I practice yoga?
We recommend you attend two classes a week and encourage you to come regularly so that your practice and understanding of yoga can develop steadily. We also encourage you to practice at home regularly to integrate what you have learned in class. Our teachers plan their classes around specific students and groups of students. This allows us to match our teaching to your needs. This makes classes more satisfying for students and teachers.
Eating and drinking
Yoga is best done on an empty stomach. Don't have a major meal for at least 3 hours before class. Don't drink water during the class. Avoid alcohol before class.
What if I miss a class?
If you have to miss your enrolled class, please let your teacher know beforehand, and we can arrange a make-up class for you during the calendar month. If you are going away we can arrange a pro rata payment for you so that you keep your place in the class. Classes cannot be carried to the next calendar month and are not transferable.
What if I have a health problem?
Please let your teacher know if you have any health issues, or are under unusual stress. This allows us to tailor the poses and sequences to your needs. Not all health problems can be addressed in a general class. If you have a health problem and are unsure if yoga can help, please contact the school to discuss.
For women
Please let us know before the class if you are pregnant or menstruating. Some poses are not recommended at these times. Other poses will be more beneficial.